Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Enforcing Restrictions

We've recently had requests from several of our homeowners, to approve additions to their property that were in conflict with the protective CCR's in our subdivision bylaws. One homeowner wanted to build a fence that would extend up alongside his house toward the front. We denied this because the CCR's specifically prohibit fences that extend forward past the back corners of the house. Another homeowner wanted to erect an aluminum carport over his paved driveway. This would have violated several clauses in the CCR's and we had to deny it. Not to mention, it would have made that whole section of the subdivision look bad. It is no fun having to tell our neighbors that they can't build things they need like this, but the board would not be doing its job if we didn't enforce the restrictions. What do you think about this? Feel feel to post your comments and suggestions here on the blog, or send your ideas to Your feedback is appreciated.


  1. If the purpose of the restrictions is to keep the neighborhood looking uniform. Why would it allow the use of a garage door that is of different color than white along with the installment of a black top asphalt driveway. This seems to be something that makes the subdivision look bad. The restrictions would not allow a fence that provides a little more privacy but it allows a blacktop asphalt driveway which is different from everyone else in the subdivision.

  2. The garage door and driveway in question doesn't violate any of the CCR's, as far as we can determine. As for fences, the CCR's are very specific, and they will be enforced.


Please keep your comments friendly, respectful, and neighborly.